So I've been looking through Craigslist and other places for an apartment. For those who don't know, I moved out of an overpriced 1br back in December and have been renting a room at my best friend's house the last 2 and a half months. This was only meant to be temporary.. I'm not a roommate type person and although he's my best friend and all.. I still to this day feel like I am invading he and his wife's privacy.
So I've been looking for something that I can afford near my new job. Unfortunately, I work in Grandview and it's nestled right inside a high rent district...and near the OSU pickings have been slim.
Ideally, I would like to get a two bedroom. That way, Chris would have his own room when he comes out in the summer. Last year, he bunked in the living room the whole two months he was out, and I felt awful about it. He's nearly 13 and I'm sure he's at an age where he NEEDS his own room.
So the hunt goes on...