Yesterday, I had to shut off comments twice on two seperate blogs because readers had become verbally abusive towards each other and taken the conversation way off topic. Normally, I do not mind the dialogue hiking off of the beaten path a bit, but I'm not here to host an internet cage match.
I have friends from all walks of life with vastly different political and philosophical viewpoints. I value every one who brings an honest opinion or thought to the discussion. Our society flourishes on variety. A loss of it would spell the end of our Democracy.
E pluribus unam. From many, one. From many different voices, one people.
Do not ask me to delete someone you don't like or their comments. I don't delete people unless I feel that their presence isn't needed here. If you have issues with someone on a personal level, please take it up with them through PM or on your own/their own site.
From this point on, I reserve the right to cut off comments if I feel that the bickering and namecalling is getting to be too much. I do not condone blocking people or censuring free speech but in extreme cases and after repeated warnings, I may do just that.
Thank you all for reading and have a wonderful day.